My West Dunbartonshire
My West Dunbartonshire is a citizen portal where you can access online services and if you have signed in using a mygovscot myaccount, you can track progress of your request.
Register for MyAccount - our quick and easy online system putting you in control of your council accounts, wherever you are, whenever you need to. All you need to get started is an email address.
Registration and sign-in for your online customer account is powered by the Scottish Government's 'myaccount' service. It checks who you are and allows you to use a single account to access a range of Scottish public services online.

With your My West Dunbartonshire account you can:
- Automatically populate forms with your contact details
- Track the progress of some requests
- Avoid having to re-register with local public sector services when you move to a new part of Scotland
- Gain trusted access to Council services that require evidence of identity
Services already available:
- Sign up for Council Tax e-billing
- Council Tax - Set up or amend a direct debit
- Council Tax - Application for Single Occupancy Discount
- Manage your Housing Tenancy including keeping up to date with your rent and repairs
- Missed bin collection
- Report an abandoned vehicle
- Report a problem with a Grit Bin
- Report street issues
- And more...see My Services